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Arm Routine (free weight)

**NOTE** this program is designed for the experienced lifter/athlete. Please consult with a fitness professional for a more detailed, structured program

1.) superset with only 30 seconds in between each set

2.) hit the weight listed, BUT if failed before meeting the required number, don't go any further

3.) sip water throughout the workout 

Barbell Curls

4 X 12, 10, 10, 8


Rope Extensions 

4 X 15, 12, 12, 10

Dumbell Alternate Curls

4 X 10, 8, 8, 6


Tricep Extensions

4 X 15, 12, 12, 10

Preacher Curls

4 X 8 


Body weight Dips

4 X 15-20 reps (brief pause on top)

Finish with 5-10 minute cool down on eliptical 

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