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Holiday Damage: Holiday Weight Gain

     There is a HIGH LIKELY chance you'll be gaining a few pounds this holiday season, since food, alcohol, and sweets are the universal truth that is synonymous with the Holidays, and it all begins with Halloween. In the United states, the last quarter of the year we see the most gains, since Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years all fall within this time frame.  

   According to a recent article by the Huffington Post, Americans gain an average of 1.3 lbs, with the majority of this come within the first 10 days after Christmas. Americans also gain weight during Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, and Easter holidays. Only 1 of 4 people will work to decrease the added weight within the first few months after the holiday season. The rest will unfortunately keep it on, risking an accumulation of weight gain throughout the years. In a long stretch, one can come to conclusion that this consistency in weight gain may contribute to the risk of becoming obese and it's many complications through the years.

   Of course, these numbers and other statistics you may find can be taken with a grain of salt. It all begins with YOU. At the time of this publishing, I've been in the fitness industry for over 9 years. In this time period, I've seen numerous clients cancelling or not prioritizing their workouts the last 12 weeks of the year. Of course with the heavy travel schedule, family gatherings and non stop overeating is likely contributing. The most important information to take away from this is to not completely push your health & wellness to the back of the priority line. Maintenance during this time period is KEY.

   If you're used to a workout schedule that consists to 4-5 days a week, I suggest to cut it down to 3-4 days a week if your holiday schedule is overwhelming. If you're traveling and you have minimal equipment availability, not all is lost. creating a program that focuses on body-weight movement (push-Ups, lunges, crunches, squats) 3 sets of 15-20 reps on rotation is ideal. That way you're engaging muscle groups while elevating the intensity to burn calories.  Don't go a FULL week without activity. fit 30 minutes in, or 15. Approaching exercise like this throughout the holiday season will lower your chances of significant weight gain, and the complications that come with it.


- Ramel Feliz

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